One Year Surgery Anniversary
Again I can not thank you all enough for yur continued support and well wishes. In my life I never would have dreamed that I could wear a size 8 and feel as great as I do except for the stricture. I thank God every day for my new life. It is the greatest gift I have been given besides the gift of my daughter. Thank everyone of you and much hugs to you. God Bless you All
Some day I am going to learn how to put my picture on here.
Some day I am going to learn how to put my picture on here.
Thank you for the congratulations on my aniversary. I am not sure how to explain the stricture but I have had them three timess now. What happens is I can only eat a small amount of food and then I get filled up fast and if I try to eat more it comes back out. Then I go in for an Enoscopy where the Doctor opens me up last time 15 cc so more food can pass through. this time i am unsure how much they will open up. I go this Thursday at 9am. God Bless you
Sorry I id not get back to you soon I have not been feeling well.
Sorry I id not get back to you soon I have not been feeling well.